Golf Etiquette For Beginners

Eric Schimpf is the global head of an international portfolio valued at more than $600 million. During his spare time, Eric Schimpf enjoys staying active by running and playing golf. Like tennis, golf entails etiquette that is just as important to the game as stroke mechanics and club selection.

Perhaps the most unique aspect of golf is the presence of a caddy. While it might seem unusual or uncomfortable to have a stranger carry your golf bag for you, it is actually frowned upon to pass over a caddy, as they are generally young players seeking to earn money and improve their golf games through observation. A talented caddy can even return the favor, improving a player’s game through helpful tips and club suggestions.

Avoiding slow play is another key aspect of golf etiquette. While professional players might take all the time in the world, amateurs on a public course should keep pace with the group ahead of them. Walking at a consistent speed between shots is one way to avoid slow play, as is envisioning club selection and stroke mechanics prior to swinging. Each individual player should take no more than one minute planning and executing a shot. Lastly, and most importantly, is course maintenance. Any player who creates a divot, for example, is expected to fill it in and tamp the earth smooth.